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Коронка для пневмоударника

Коронка Rockmore для пневмоударника Rok, Atlas Copco и других производителей.

Concave Face design (вогнутое) - For medium soft to medium hard rock conditions in consolidated ground conditions in medium abrasivity rock. Front face grooves provide excellent cuttings removal and the concave center provides optimal hole straightness. The concave deign is the most common bit shape.


Flat Face design (плоское, ровное) - For hard rock formations where a very durable head is required. The flat face design is very stable and forgiving in fractured, voided or unconsolidated formations. The flat face design also handles abrasive formations well. Some models are available with face slots for improved hole cleaning.

Convex Face design (выпуклое) - For medium sotf to medium hard rock in good ground conditions where maximum penetration rate is desired. The convex design will handle abrasive formations better than a concave or flat design. The convex design also enables the use of greater insert density for aggressive spherical, conical or ballistic tipped bits. 

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